Sunday, January 31, 2010


from Moma homepage,( Orozco. Mobile Matrix. Graphite on gray whale skeleton. 196 x 1089 x 266 cm. I think this 3D art can be the lines. Its each born and whole shape and making some lines and have their own gesture, contour, and even some hatch. Also bones have lines on them and these make the whole thing more beautiful.

It is really great because when we see or take picture in different angles, distances, and brightness, we can find different effects of lines. It is very active, natural and delicate. It has much kind of lines, diagonal, horizontal and vertical.

1 comment:

  1. I like your description of the lines formed by the whale bones as active, natural and delicate. I would also say that the bones are organic lines, while the graphite lines seem to form a grid, and are more geometric. Be careful how you use the words hatching and cross hatching-- this refers to a drawing technique used to give a picture depth. I don't see any hatching in this piece-- the graphite lines seem quite solid. Great job thinking outside the box-- I've never seen this piece before.
