Sunday, January 31, 2010

Modular Structure by Sol LeWitt

I like this because of the intricacies of the cross-hatching lines. How the lines are more concentrated in the center giving it depth, and less concentrated on the outside, bringing the eyes to the center, and how they change depending upon the angle you're looking at it from. Some of the lines blend together more than others, and if you relax your eyes the picture begins to look two-dimensional, giving the design of the cross hatches a different character.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like how you point out that there is a greater concentration of lines towards the center of this three dimensional sculpture. This gives the piece quite a bit of visual interest. There is certainly more visual, as well as physical weight in the center of the piece. I want to make sure that everyone understands, however, that the words hatching and cross hatching refer to specific drawing techniques. As such, they are not used to describe three dimensional sculptures; they only apply to two dimensional surfaces-- so these lines are not hatched. Good piece to use for line.
