Wednesday, April 21, 2010


This image really took me back when i first saw it. I didnt see that it was even a work of Picasso at first. What i seem to really like is, he takes a basic drawing meathod and then escapes into a altered sence of what the human body looks like. There are overly dramatic muslces that seem very masculine, but then there are very intentional feminine features. the breasts, lower stomach, and butt, are all put there because he strongly is saying this is a woman. I think the style, obviously is his own, but also remindes me of the roman stlye of drawing women. The main part of the body to concentrate on is the lower half, and reproductive area. I dont think this is not done on purpose. The flow of the drawing is fluid as well, it almost seems as if he never takes his pencil off the paper.

1 comment:

  1. It's great how the body parts are exaggerated in an almost cartoonish fashion, and yet they all fit together perfectly.
