Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Still Life with Skull


This still life by Cezanne really popped out at me. I love the contrast of the healthy, ripe fruit to the old, dry skull. Cezanne doesn't use a lot of detail in this still life and he doesn't need to. Broader strokes, skillfully placed show the motion of the fabric and the depth of the fruit better than small detail could .


  1. Some great comments-- especially the healthy fruit to the old. Traditionally, still lives are meant to be a commentary on mortality. There are some commonly used symbols in still life that have been used for centuries-- for example peeled oranges refer to the transience of youth and beauty, as do the small bugs that are often added to still lives depicting fresh cut flowers. Cezanne was really an incredible artist--- good choice!

  2. Because of the skull in the middle of the piece, it looks gloomy.
