Monday, March 1, 2010

Still Life with Two Lemons, a Façon de Venise Glass, Roemer, Knife and Olives on a Table

I had seen this painting during my visit to the Met this past fall. It was one of my favorite paintings form the whole experience. Up close, the detail of the lemon rind and the crystal is perfect. I like that the entire painting is made up of a really soft yellow, and the bright yellow of the lemons acts as the focal point. The half-peeled lemon, the knife and the sideways crystal contain leading lines that lead to the focal point.


  1. As you mentioned the details on this work is really great. It almost loooks like a photograph not a painting. Its interesting that with only couple of colours and many different shades you can create a beatiful work.

  2. Great formal analysis Kevin! I agree with you Hana, it's a gorgeous piece. I like your comments on the limited palette.

  3. I really love the glass in this painting--there doesn't seem to be any outlines of anything--just shading. At times, the glass blends in with the background and that's alright because that's the way it is in nature. Love this painting!

  4. I almost can't believe that this is a painting and not a photograph. I could literally look at it all day and still be baffled. This is such a beautiful piece and I agree in that I really like all of the soft yellows
